Campus Theme 2011-12: Many Cultures, One 社区

Campus Theme 2011-12: Many Cultures, One 社区

Campus Theme 2011-12

Many Cultures, One 社区

Campus Theme 2011-12: Many Cultures, One 社区

关于 the Theme

"Many Cultures One 社区" emerged from the Unspoken Project that was developed in collaboration with the Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees. It celebrated the richness of a shared community where cultures are both highlighted for their uniqueness and blended into a shared experience.

事件 focused on many aspects of community and culture including narratives (readings, story telling, 讲座, 和电影). This theme underscored and celebrated the many events that bring our shared community together.




Wednesday, February 22
4:00 P.M.
ECJSC auditorium
社区 Story Telling Event
Includes refreshments. For further information contact Professor Melissa Febos at

Week of March 19th-20th
Guest 讲座s by Patrick Bellegarde-Smith
(Details coming) 

Wednesday, March 28
A documentary screening of Women in the Media
(Details coming)
Wednesday, April 11
Re-dedication of the Tree of Peace
(Details coming)

Wednesday, April 18
Leonard Pitts Lecture and related events
(Details coming) 

Recent 事件:

  • Readings at The Other Side by Professors Melissa Febos and Gary Leising
  • A Multicultural Happy Hour with sample foods from around the world.


Christopher M. Tingley D.B.A.

Christopher M. Tingley D.B.A.

Chair, Campus Theme Committee
(315) 792-4405

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